Cizinha Moura was one of the many young singers who came into prominence in the mid-to-late 1950s. After singing as crooner of bands or orchestras in night clubs, radio & TV, Miss Moura finally got to record a 78 rpm single for Chantecler in late 1958: 'Fim de ano', a lively waltz to celebrate the end of the year b/w 'Meu barquinho' which was none other that 'My bonnie lies over the ocean' translated by the guitar player Paulo Barreiros.
In 1959, with rock'n'roll already firmly established in the whole country by the likes of Celly Campello and Carlos Gonzaga, Cizinha recorded her second and last 78 rpm for Chantecler which ended up being a valuable collector's item: 'Viver a sonhar', a rock-ballad b/w 'Brotinho Lili' which is seen in retrospect as her greatest hit.
In the latter part of 1959, Cizinha managed to associate herself with The Beverlys, the very first Black Brazilian do-wop group who had just recorded two singles for the Young label. Cizinha would sing on TV Paulista and other stations accompanied by The Beverlys during this period.
Revista do Radio, 22nd March 1958, publishes a 2-page article about Cizinha Moura and her musical career. Cizinha was born on 15 September 1933, in São Paulo. Started singing professionally at night-club Lido. Next she moved to Campos de Jordão-SP where she was signed by Radio Emissora Campos de Jordão. After a long stint there Cizinha became the crooner of Nancy Montez Orchestra having toured São Paulo state and Northern Paraná stopping at Curitiba-PR.
In Curitiba she performed at night-club Blue Sky where she met composer Ataulpho Alves who invited her to become part of his group of 'cabrochas' (young Black ladies who sang and dance as part of Ataulpho's act) when they would next perform at Hotel Comodoro's night-club in São Paulo and Radio & TV Record. She ended up learning a lot about her trade with Ataulpho and his group. She stayed with them for 3 months - from December 1956 to February 1957.
Cizinha then decided it was time for her to resume her solo career and signed with night-club Caprice and at the same time appeared at 'Variedades Orniex' on TV Tupi, channel 3. Cizinha took part in the competition to elect the Queen of the Musicians (Rainha dos Músicos) in São Paulo which was won by Luely Figueiró but with Cizinha having got herself a good position.
Now, as of March 1958, Cizinha sings at night-club African which is one of the best in São Paulo and sings at Radio Record's 'Alegria dos Bairros' and 'Programa Blota Júnior'.
As 1958 was approaching its end Cizinha's fate took a turn to the bright side when she was signed by Chantecler Records, an independent Brazilian label located in São Paulo which was growing at a breakneck pace being in fierce competition with established multinacionals such as RCA, Columbia, EMI-Odeon. In November 1958, Cizinha recorded two sides of a 78 rpm single. A side contained 'Fim de ano' (Valter Melo) b/w 'Meu barquinho' (My bonnie lies over the ocean) an English traditional tune translated by guitar-player Paulo Barreiros. Both songs had a fair amount of air-play even though it didn't get to be a Top 10.
Revista do Radio, 22nd March 1958, says former Ataulpho Alves' pupil has almost been crowned a queen concerning her Rainha dos Músicos de São Paulo contest.
Cizinha shows her legs...
Discography of Cizinha Moura at Chantecler
074 - Fim de ano (Valter Melo) / Meu barquinho (My bonnie lies over the ocean) translated by Paulo Barreiros - December 1958
132 - Cinzas do passado / Meu primeiro beijo - Claudio de Barros - June 1959
134 - Viver a sonhar (José Nomonio Santos-Venâncio) / Brotinho Lili (Alberto Roy-Domingos Paulo Mamoni) .
23 October 1960 - Adults-only Cine Aurea premieres 'Sexo e vida', according to OESP (Estadão) is only a sensacionalist 'local production' looking for a fast-buck. Cizinha Moura a young rock singer who had a mid-sized hit called 'Brotinho Lili' appears as 'who knows what' in this pre-pornography flick.
from Carlus Maximus to Ricardo Santos: Imagina que encontrei anúncio de filme nacional chamado 'Sexo e vida', e tendo Cizinha Moura no elenco. Fiquei cabreiro! Haveria duas Cizinhas nesse mundo? Depois achei outra citação assim: Cizinha Moura (Brotinho Lili)... Agora, eu não sei o que a 'brotinho Lili' estava fazendo nessa espécie de filme!
from Ricardo Santos to Carlus Maximus: Ihhh, não acho estranho, não. A Cizinha era lindona. E aí nesse filme ela só aparece cantando 'Brotinho Lili' numa cena de baile. As outras 'atrizes' é que são suspeitas, tudo vedetinha, ops, coristas... rs. Outra coisa: pelas suas pesquisas dos anos 1959 a 1962, você deve estar vendo muita coisa com 'strip-tease', não é? Eu e Gabriel Gonzaga até já conversamos sobre a quantidade de shows e filmes que tinham a ver com esse tema. Foi uma onda de uns 2 anos e passou. Hoje (2014) seriam classificados de burlescos. O Brasil entrou tarde nisso, coisa lá dos anos 1910-1920 em Paris ou Berlin.
from Carlus Maximus to Ricardo Santos: Nossa, só Você teria sabido de todas essas coisas. Então, você, de certa maneira, salvou a reputação da Cizinha Moura... rs.
Olha o que eu achei no Estadão de 1 Janeiro 1961:
Cizinha Moura sings accompanied by The Beverlys
Cizinha Moura & The Beverlys, a do-wop vocal group.