Saturday 22 August 2020

Roberto Carlos pays a visit to Rita Pavone at Teatro Record in 1965

Adonis Karan, a TV Record executive, Rita Pavone and Roberto Carlos at Rita's Teatro Record dressing room after her recital on 27 April 1965.

Looking at this photo taken at Rita Pavone's dressing room at Teatro Record, in São Paulo, after she had given her first recital on her second tour of Brazil, one can only surmise a few things:

Little did Roberto Carlos know he would be occupying this very same dressing room in the near future. In another 4 months - 22nd August 1965 - Roberto would open his legendary Sunday rock show 'Jovem Guarda' at Teatro Record and become the most successful musical act in the country for the longest time.
Rita Pavone 2nd Brazilian tour started on 27 April 1965 up to 1st May 1965. Rita's photo on the right was taken by TV Guide 'Intervalo' on the same night she received Roberto Carlos at her dressing room on 27 April, Tuesday. 
P.S.: the colourization process made a mistake concerning Rita's dress which was white with black dots... 

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Meire Pavão 1964, 1965, 1966

Meire Pavão watches while Roberto Carlos sings 'Parei na contra-mão' at 'Só Sucessos' on TV Paulista, Channel 5. Meire had sung her 'O que eu faço do latim?' just before Roberto. 
Meire sings 'Areia quente' (Ay... como quema la arena) to an enthusiastic Cauby Peixoto at 'Clube dos Artistas' on TV Tupi on Friday evening, 1965. See Homero Silva holding a cigarette in his hand leaning against the wall in the background.
Spanish-Argentine dancer-sincer Orlando Alvarado, Meire Pavão & her brother Albert at Antonio Aguillar's 'Reino da Juventude' on TV Paulista, Channel 5, in 1965.
Meire sings at TV Excelsior, Channel 9, in 1966, accompanied by the Lunáticos - Tuca, Mindão & Maurício.
Marcio Augusto Antonucci, Meire, Ronaldo Luiz Antonucci, Luiz Vieira, Dirce (Radio Nacional Paulista's program director - programadora), Theotônio Pavão & Zé Di at Meire's 1965 birthday bash.
The Jet Blacks play at Cine Politeama, in Jundiaí-SP in late 1964, and invite Tony Campello, Mário Augusto who was born in Jundiaí & new-face Meire Pavão who has just recorded 'O que é que eu faço do latim?' accompanied by this very band. The other acts include Jair Alves who in a few months would be known as Jerry Adriani a recording act for CBS. The bash was broadcast by Radio Difusora Jundiaiense

Saturday 30 May 2020

1965 as it unfolded... according to 'A Modinha Popular'

By early 1965, rock was a great force as you see Erasmo Carlos, Trini Lopez & Wilson Simonal on the cover of 'A Modinha Popular' even though when Carnaval came around February, old acts like Emilinha Borba, Risadinha and Carequinha made their point... but it was only for a few weeks each year.