Saturday, 18 February 2017

Antonio Claudio aka Danny Dallas

12 October 1959 - Miguel Vaccaro Netto writes at his column at daily 'Ultima Hora' that The Avalons played at Colegio Des Oiseaux on Rua Caio Prado; The Jester Tigers (Tigres Brincalhões) led by guitarrist Jose Provetti recorded 'Dream lover' and 'Where were you on our wedding day?'; the singer is Antonio Claudio. The back-ground vocal was done by the remarkable Beverlys - the best in vocal harmonies. (O coro foi feito pelos notáveis Beverlys, o que de ótimo se possa querer em matéria de harmonia vocal).

Antonio Claudio later known as Danny Dallas wearing his various striking cardigans...

Antonio Claudio Guimarães do Canto was born on 8 June 1941, in Sao Paulo. Since he was 7 or 8 he used to sing at birthday parties or school events. Circa 1958, he appeared many times at TV Tupi's popular 'Almoço com as estrelas' (Having lunch with the stars) where he'd sing old American standards accompanying himself with an accoustic guitar. MC Ayrton Rodrigues introduced him to a night club owner who wanted to sign him to sing at Cave, on Praça Roosevelt, but due to his being still a minor the plans fell through. 

10 August 1959 -  a note from daily 'Ultima Hora': Antonio Claudio, an 18 year-old student who is a staunch supporter of rock'n'roll has made a strong impression on those at Radio Panamericana's auditorium when he sang 'I believe' (Frankie Laine's), 'It's only make believe' (Conway Twitty's) and 'The end' (Earl Grant). Antonio Claudio said he had already sung at many TV shows when a friend told him Vaccaro was looking for new-talents to record on his newly-opened Young record label. He took his guitar and went out to Radio Panamericana's studios upon the 13th floor of Rua Riachuelo. Vaccaro listened to him and immediately asked if he'd sing impromptu on that very day... and that's how it was.  

A few days later, Antonio Claudio was teamed up with a band called The Jester Tigers made up of Jose Provetti aka Gato (lead-guitar), Horacio (rhythm-guitar), Augusto (double-bass) & Toninho Rossi at drums and they recorded 'Dream lover' b/w 'Where were you on our wedding day?' which today is a valuable collector's item.

Antonio Claudio had a good stage persona and was in the revue that opened for Brenda Lee's recital at Teatro Record from 10 to 16 September 1959. By 1961, Antonio Claudio was a fixture at opening shows for foreign acts having opened for Tony Bennett (17 & 18 May 1961) and Frankie Avalon (19 to 25 June 1961). On 18 May 1961, Antonio had the honour to sing 'Boulevard of broken dreams' - one of Mr Bennett's hit - accompanied by Betinho & his combo at Fasano's Winter Garden. 

On 17 & 18 October 1961, Antonio Claudio opened for Brenda Lee's 2nd visit to Sao Paulo - this time accompanied by  the TV Record Orchestra (read the article about it below).
Antonio Claudio as seen by journalist P.S. for São Paulo daily 'A Gazeta' on 25 October 1961.

Na terça-feira, dia 17 Outubro 1961, quando da apresentação de Brenda Lee em sua segunda temporada entre nós, enquanto o público aguardava o próximo número, havia um zum-zum-zum no Teatro Record. Surgiu então, no palco, um rapaz que não conhecíamos. O zum-zum-zum prosseguiu. A medida que ele foi cantando, porém, o silêncio foi tomando conta de todos, pois a voz do moço trazia algo de diferente. Muito boa voz.

Quem era? Ficamos sabendo depois: Danny Dallas, ou seja, Antonio Claudio Guimarães do Canto. E ele é do canto mesmo. Esse moço vai longe, se souberem aproveitá-lo. 'A Gazeta', em primeiro lugar entrevista hoje Danny Dallas.

Desde criança, com 5 ou 6 anos, Danny cantava em festinhas ou shows de colégios. Apoiado pelo pai, continuou desenvolvendo suas qualidades vocais. Estreou em radio e TV em 1959.

Danny também compõe, tendo gravado pela RGE duas de suas músicas com letra de Vercos, colega de faculdade. Tornou-se amigo de Frankie Avalon e Tony Bennett quando aqui estiveram.

Danny tem apenas 20 anos e está no 2o. ano de Direito. Depois de formado, talvez, irá aos Estados Unidos, dependendo de 'certas possibilidades'. Danny canta também em francês, além de inglês.

Já que Danny ainda não pode escolher todas as músicas que gostaria de gravar, quisemos saber quais ele preferiria. Ele nos apontou 3 norte-americanas: 'Till then', 'Portrait of my love' e 'It's only make believe'; e 3 brasileiras: 'Foi a noite' (de Antonio Carlos Jobim), 'Laura' (de Alcyr Pires Vermelho) e 'Leva-me contigo' (de Duarte Rosado, com Dolores Duran).

Danny também imita os cantores Frankie Laine, Miltinho e Paul Anka.

Antonio Claudio aka Danny Dallas at Radio Gazeta in October 1961.

N.B.: Antonio Claudio died on 29 May 2020

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